
As a company, we value education and training, which is why our space is outfitted with a coffee training lab. Everyone from home coffee enthusiasts to professional baristas will be able to find a class that aligns with their skill set and curiosities.


Coffee Roasting Basics | 2 Hours

Ever wondered what happens when coffee is roasted? Ever ask if it’s possible to roast coffee at home? Have you asked both, but didn’t know where to start? Come hang out with our roaster and discover the basics of coffee roasting.



Latte Art Basics | 2 Hours

Whether you’re just getting started as a barista, have an espresso machine at home, or simply want to learn latte art technique for fun, this hands-on class is a great introduction to basic latte art. You’ll get direct instruction and practice to create hearts, rosettas, and tulips in cappuccinos and lattes.


Home Espresso| 2 Hours

This practical workshop is perfect for those who have a home espresso machine and would like to brew better shots and improve milk texturing technique. During the class, you’ll learn the basics of espresso extraction, milk steaming, and how to create a range of espresso drinks using a Breville Barista Express machine.


SCA Certifications

Are you a coffee professional looking to further your coffee skills and knowledge, all while obtaining certifications that will follow you on your career path? Then you should look into our SCA Coffee Skills courses. We offer the following:

  • Introduction to Coffee
  • Brewing
  • Barista Skills
  • Roasting (expected 2024)

Our Introduction to Coffee, Brewing Foundation, and Barista Skills Foundation classes are now live!

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